วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Austrian Recipes

Until 1918 Austria was the center of the multi-ethnic Habsburg Empire (also known as "Empire of Austria, and later as the" Austro-Hungarian Monarchy considered). This was a polygot multi-ethnic empire, which included at various times not only in Austria, but also Hungary, parts of Germany and Italy, the Czech Republic, and large parts of the Balkans. It is a result of this history, the Austrian kitchen shows from many different countries in the region.

Some popular Austrian RecipesFeedback:

* Wiener Schnitzel - slices of meat (traditionally veal, pork or turkey, but sometimes still used), dipped in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and then fried. Wiener schnitzel is traditionally eaten with potato salad and a lemon slice.

* Dumplings - dumplings are traditional Austrian dumplings. There are a number of different kinds, including those made of potato (potato dumplings) made from stale bread n ( "emmel dumplings), and the bacon (" Bacon Dumpling ").Dumplings are eaten as a side dish or in soups.

* Goulash - Goulash Beef Goulash is originally from Hungary. It is with beef, onions and peppers and seasoned with paprika.

* Tafelspitz - boiled beef with root vegetables.

* Sacher Torte - chocolate cake with dark chocolate and jam (usually apricot) in the middle.

* Pancakes - pancakes filled with jam and sprinkled with sugar.

* Vanilla - Traditional half-moon shaped pastries from Vienna,) with nuts (ground almonds or hazelnuts and flavored with vanilla.

* Apple Strudel - Apple Strudel - a pastry with apples, raisins and sugar. Cinnamon and rum are used for flavoring in some versions.

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